Skyfall Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why does Silva hate M so much? He and Bond were both sacrificed by M; why is Silva driven to revenge while Bond is not? What makes him different?
  2. Bond and Silva are similar. In what ways are they alike?
  3. Do you think M is good at her job? Does she think she does her job well, or is she hiding her insecurities behind her remorselessness?
  4. Skyfall introduces a new Moneypenny. How is she similar to previous iterations of the character? How is she different?
  5. What is the film's red herring?
  6. What is the significance of the film's title? What does it mean to Bond? How does his relationship to "Skyfall" change by the film's end?
  7. Adele's Skyfall won an Oscar, the first Bond song to do so. What sets it apart from previous Bond songs? Why was it recognized when other songs were not? Is it the best Bond song?
  8. Skyfall is part of Bond's 50-year tradition. What do fans expect in a Bond film? In what ways does Skyfall pay homage to past Bond films? How does it change the tried-and-true Bond formula?
  9. Why is Bond so popular fifty years after his debut in film?