Slumdog Millionaire Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Slumdog Millionaire.

Quote #7

SALIM: Go. Just drive. There won't be another chance.

LATIKA: He will kill you.

SALIM: I'll take care of him.

This final exchange between Salim and Latika sets up Salim's final act of redemption; they both understand the gravity of this profound sacrifice. Yet Salim knows that in order to reaffirm his love for Jamal and Latika, reassuming his role as brother and protector, this is the only course of action.

Quote #8

JAMAL: Is that really you?


PREM: The question, Jamal, the question!

Once again, we're reminded why Jamal went on the show in the first place. It wasn't for money, glory, or fame, but for love—for Latika. In this instant, his priorities are clear, and the million-dollar question becomes irrelevant.

Quote #9

JAMAL: I knew you'd be watching.

LATIKA: I thought we'd be together only in death.

At last Jamal and Latika are safely reunited. Together, through their love for each other, they can begin to heal the trauma of their past.