Slumdog Millionaire Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Slumdog Millionaire.

Quote #7

LATIKA: Jamal. Look at you.

JAMAL: I found you.

Through sheer force of will, Jamal has finally made it into Javed's compound to find Latika.

Quote #8

JAMAL: I'll wait, at V.T. station, every day until you come. I love you.

LATIKA: So what. It's too late, Jamal. Now go.

Even though Latika explains it is best for Jamal's safety, as well as her own, for him to leave and forget about her, Jamal simply won't take no for an answer. He knows she's in danger every day with Javed, and will not quit until she's free.

Quote #9

SALIM: That guy, he will never give up.

Salim certainly hits the nail on the head with this observation; Jamal is the definition of determination.