Spellbound Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Spellbound? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Spellbound is called Spellbound because...

it is all about witches.
that is the name of the main character.
Alfred Hitchcock wanted a title that would give away nothing about the film.
David O. Selznik found that the title tested well with audiences.
Q. The producers changed the dream sequence by...

adding a segment where Constance is covered by ants.
putting more clothes on the kissing bug.
making the sequence twice as long.
forcing Hitchcock to work with someone other than Salvador Dali.
Q. To get eerie, scary sounds, Miklós Rózsa used...

a soundtrack entirely scored for strings.
the sounds of screaming babies.
a scary love theme scored for full orchestra.
a theremin.
Q. How did Hitchcock get the effect of looking into a gun barrel for Murchison's suicide?

He used a drawing of a gun barrel.
He had a larger-than-life gun barrel and a hand custom-made.
He used a series of mirrors.
He suspended the gun from the ceiling.
Q. How does the original novel differ from the final film?

The person impersonating Edwardes does not have amnesia.
The book makes no mention of psychiatry.
Constance is a male secret agent.
Edwardes' name is Diddley.