Spellbound Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. Could you update Spellbound to a contemporary setting? What would the obstacles be? What technology would make the plot hard to believe, or hard to make work convincingly?
  2. John Ballantyne's arrest, imprisonment, and conviction are shown in a quick montage. Would this be more effective if it were given more time in the film? Explain your answer.
  3. Most of the film is from Constance's perspective. How would the film change if it were from John Ballantyne's? Could the film still be a mystery narrative? Explain your answers.
  4. Probably the most famous segment of Spellbound is the dream sequence designed by the painter Salvador Dali. What if Dali had designed the entire film? How do his scenes differ from the rest of the movie? Include specific details.
  5. Since Spellbound is a mystery, you know more about the characters and action the second time you watch it than the first. How does a second viewing change the film? How do you see the fates of Murchison and "Edwards" foreshadowed early on?