Star Wars: The Force Awakens Fate vs. Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens.

Quote #7

FINN: But I'm done with the First Order. I'm never going back. Rey, come with me.

REY: Don't go.

FINN: Take care of yourself. Please.

Important moment—do you follow your own instincts, or do you stand by your friend? Finn goes with his instincts. But notice also how he doesn't end up leaving, and he and Rey are put on the same path. The Force still determines their destinies. They can choose to accept it or reject it, but all they're deciding is how painful and difficult it might be.

Quote #8

MAZ: The light. It's always been there. It will guide you. The saber. Take it.

REY: I'm never touching that again. I don't want any part of this.

Again with the refusal of the call. To quote another blockbuster of this kind, "you will find adventure, or adventure will find you." Sit tight, Rey, because this ride's about to get very bumpy.

Quote #9

HAN: Listen to me, will you? I know every time you...every time you look at me, you're reminded of him.

LEIA: You think I want to forget him? I want him back!

HAN: There was nothing we could've done. There was too much Vader in him.

LEIA: That's why I wanted him to train with Luke. I just never should have sent him away. That's when I lost him. That's when I lost you both.

HAN: We both had to deal with it in our own way. I went back to the only thing I was ever good at.

Here's a choice of a different kind: continue to hide from what happened to your kid, or confront him and try to change it. It might not change him at all, but at least your own conscience will be clearer.