Star Wars: The Force Awakens Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens.

Quote #4

KYLO REN: She's strong with the Force, untrained but stronger than she knows.

Even the bad guys can rely on the Force to show them who the dangerous ones are. That provides conflict between darkness and light, ensuring, over the long run, that the balance of the Force is maintained.

Quote #5

REY: You will remove these restraints. And leave this cell, with the door open.

STORMTROOPER: I will remove these restraints. And leave this cell, with the door open.

REY: And you will drop your weapon.

STORMTROOPER: And I'll drop my weapon.

This is the big difference between the Force and our earthly religions: you can see the effects of the Force in Star Wars. Here, we need to make a leap of faith.

Quote #6

KYLO REN: You need a teacher! I can show you the ways of the Force!

REY: The Force.

The Force is always a very personal connection in Star Wars. Notice the difference between the way Kylo Ren offers training (or how Darth Vader offered training in Empire) with, say, Yoda or Qui-Gon Jinn, who usually offer their students a choice (or, in Yoda's case, are actively reluctant).