Stargirl Chapter 23 Summary

  • Outside of school, Leo and Stargirl have wonderful times together. They do all sorts of stuff together: long walks out in the desert, people watching from park benches, hanging out at dear ol' Archie's place.
  • The time in school is tough because the shunning fully includes Leo now, and Leo realizes how much of his identity comes from the attention of others.
  • He doesn't believe that Stargirl even notices that no one talks to her since she continues to do what she has always done in her own, quirky way.
  • People say nasty things about Stargirl when Leo is around. Of course they don't say things to him; they say things around him so that he may hear.
  • Having deemed Stargirl a fake, they judge just about every aspect of her personality.
  • But most importantly, they cannot forgive her for the fact that their basketball team lost. They totally blame her. For Pete's sake, chill people.
  • Nevertheless, Stargirl remains Stargirl. Leo, however is majorly upset about the shunning. Sometimes he even understands why the students are doing this, but he is too in love to do anything about it.
  • Still, he's growing more resentful of the fact that he must choose between her and the rest of school.
  • He spends more time wishing in the moonlight about how he wouldn't have to choose. He wishes that she would become a bit more like them and they could become a bit more like her.
  • But then something happens. Guess we'll just have to keep on turning those pages.