Stargirl Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #1

Her back was to us, so I couldn't see her face. No one sat with her, but at the tables next to hers kids were cramming two to a seat. She didn't seem to notice. She seemed marooned in a sea of staring, buzzing faces (1.25).

Here's Leo's rather vivid description of how Mica High's society responds to Stargirl's first day in the cafeteria. She is the new girl and very different, so everyone's a bit on edge. She has ruffled their feathers.

Quote #2

He played on no sports team, joined no organization, won no awards, earned no A's. He was elected to nothing, honored for nothing—and yet, though I did not realize this until years later, he was grand marshal of our daily parade (4.6).

Wow, Wayne Parr sounds like quite the prize. But if Wayne has done nothing special, nothing notable, why in the world does Mica High worship him so much? Who wants to be so boring? Not Shmoop, that's for sure.

Quote #3

By then, most of us had decided that we liked having her around […] At the same time, we held back. Because she was different. Different (5.16).

Even when the students start to accept Stargirl, they cannot do so completely. Nope, she's just too different. It's like they're caught between their desire to conform and their desire to let loose, like Stargirl. Which desire is more powerful?