Stargirl Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #1

Kevin Quinlan and I usually agreed on everything. We had been best friends since arriving in Arizona the same week for four years before. We both thought the prickly pear cactus looked like Ping-Pong paddles with whiskers, and that saguaros looked like dinosaur mittens. We both loved strawberry-banana smoothies (3.15)

How important is it in a friendship to like a lot of the same things? Is it okay to disagree on some things, too? Kevin and Leo seem like great friends, but by the end of the novel, we're wondering if their friendship was based entirely on having things in common, and nothing deeper.

Quote #2

"I want to put her on Hot Seat. Dorko Borlock here doesn't want to (7.48).

Do you think it is okay for best friends to call each other names, even if they are just trying to be "funny"? Kevin just might be confusing humor and general jerkiness. Not a good idea, dude.

Quote #3

The change began around Thanksgiving. By December first, Stargirl Caraway had become the most popular person in school (8.1).

Stargirl may have become the most popular girl in school, but we have to ask: does she actually have any friends? We're betting that all her followers would consider themselves friends of hers, but we're thinking Dori is the only true one.