Tales of the Madman Underground Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I turned over the Madmen in my mind; it was the old, old problem, would Squid be better off without the kids who depended on him? If people knew the truth about what Mr. Knauss did in his rages, and Paul and Kimmie were fostered out somewhere, taken away from the town where they at least had some friends and support … did I want to have that kind of power over my friends' lives? Hadn't I always had it anyway? (26.94)

Hang on, Shmoopers. This is probably the hairiest quote in this whole section because it really messes with our definition of compassion. The question Karl and the rest of his friends deal with is what the more loving act would be—to tell someone what's going on in each other's houses, or to let things go on the way they are. This, though, is the first time Karl starts to rethink his answer to this question.