Tears of a Tiger Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

With no friends to talk to or to go places with, life can be very lonely. It's sad to be alone—wanting to share your thoughts with a friend and having no one there, except maybe your little brother or sister, to be with. Sometimes I feel so alone I just want to cry. (26.2)

Keisha's essay talks about how tough life would be without friends. She thinks about her friends as her lifeline, helping her out during the tough times, and making her laugh no matter what. Andy, on the other hand, doesn't notice how important friendships are and cuts them all off when he's dealing with pain.

Quote #5

"Perhaps, but I see other things in his personality that concern me. When he's not causing noticeable disturbances, he's somewhat withdrawn. He's stopped combing his hair, he slumps in his seat, and he keeps his head down on the desk unless I constantly remind him to sit up and pay attention. Is he getting enough sleep at night?" (27.10)

When Andy's teacher calls home and talks to Andy's dad, she says that Andy is super withdrawn these days. He's pulling away from everyone, not letting anyone in, as though he wants to be alone. His dad basically blows this observation off, though.

Quote #6

"I wish you'd quit callin' it 'the unfortunate incident'! It wasn't an 'incident'! It was a crash! A terrible, terrible crash! And it was my fault! You need a dose of reality, Mom. You want to pretend it didn't happen and I can't deal with this by myself." (34.12)

Finally, Andy admits to his mom that he can't deal with the accident alone. He's had Keisha's shoulder to cry on, but that's not around any more. Now, he wants help, but no one knows what to say to make it better.