The Assistant Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: The book doesn't have numbered or titled chapters, but it is broken up into sections with sub-sections under these. We'll call this Chapter:Section:Paragraph.

Quote #7

If he could root out what he had done, smash and destroy it; but it was done, beyond him to undo. (7.2.6)

If Helen forgives Frank, it won't mean forgetting the fact that he raped her. Their relationship will never be the same. Frank senses this.

Quote #8

She let him stay. If you were so poor where was your choice? (7.5.37)

Ida lets Frank stay at the store because they need his help. Would she have made the same decision if she knew about his attack on her daughter? We're betting "no." Why doesn't Helen speak up?

Quote #9

"If a guy did wrong, must he suffer forever?" "I personally don't care what happens to you." (7.7.15-16)

The opposite of love isn't hate; it's indifference.