Politics Quotes in The Corrections

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Since they encouraged us to privatize, maybe they're interested in the fact that our privatized nation-state is now a zone of semi-anarchy, criminal warlords, and subsistence farming? Unfortunately, IMF is handling complaints of bankrupt client states in order of the size of their respective GDP." (2.887)

This is a classic catch-22: A country can only become developed when it has money, but it can't get money until it's developed. Is it any surprise, then, that Gitanas went over the law's head?

Quote #5

"The collective fungible assets of my country disappeared in yours without a ripple," Gitanas said. "A rich powerful country made the rules we Lithuanians are dying by. Why should we respect these rules?" (2.923)

Again we see how economic concerns drive the fate of a nation. People are dying—and for what? For Dilbert credit cards?

Quote #6

To publicize the plight of small debtor nations, Gitanas had created a satiric Web page offering DEMOCRACY FOR PROFIT: BUY A PIECE OF EUROPEAN HISTORY [...] "It was a nasty little joke," Gitanas said [...] "But who laughed? Nobody laughed. They just sent money." (2.1013-1014)

Gitanas may have started this as a joke, but it worked better than he ever imagined. It seems like there are plenty of business that would find value in owning a democracy.