The Departed Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Departed.

Quote #7

COSTELLO: Get the cops to look at Jimmy Pappas for the hit. He had nothing to do with it and he'll say so. Look in his car, you'll find the gun that did it, registered, official.

As a mobster who has a lot of people killed, Frank Costello needs himself a steady supply of dudes to take the fall. And that's where Jimmy Pappas comes in. Chances are that the guy already did something to tick Costello off, so this is a win-win as far as Costello is concerned. Get rid of a guy you hate and pin a murder on him at the same time. What's not to love?

Quote #8

COLIN: Jimmy had a rough month. Jimmy had a heart attack in jail and then he got himself knifed at Boston City Hospital.

Well, it looks like Jimmy Pappas isn't going to be around to argue that he didn't commit any murders. You see, Frank Costello has a way of pinning crimes on guys he knows and then having those people killed so that they won't be able to say too much to the cops about what they have on Costello.

Quote #9

BILLY: You sit there with a mass murderer. A mass murderer. Your heart rate is jacked. And your hand, steady.

Billy tries to explain to Madolyn what it's like to work in the mob next to a mass murderer. As he puts it, the inside of your body totally falls apart. But on the outside, you never show any fear. Not even a little bit.