The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I'm not sure," Byron said. "I drank way too much that night. We started fooling around and it went too far. How can I say whether it was consensual? I couldn't remember anything the next morning." (17.20)

Byron tries to justify his behavior, too, but he may or may not be telling the truth.

Quote #5

Neither Mom nor Dad said anything. I wished they would yell at him, tell him that, wasted or sober, he had no right to force himself onto Annie Mills. (17.21)

Fingers crossed that Virginia gets up the nerve to say exactly this to Byron eventually.

Quote #6

I eye Dad taking a long swig. Ever since Byron's been home, Dad's been drinking more than usual. (17.39)

In order to deal with the consequences of his son's drinking, Virginia's dad starts drinking more. Her mom isn't the only one who's living in denial.