The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Sometimes I think our handicaps (me = heavy; Shannon = stutter) are what initially brought us together, back in sixth grade. From there, we totally connected. (4.19)

Shannon and Virginia became friends for much the same reason as the Bri-girls, except in the opposite direction. They bonded because they were outcasts; the Bri-girls bonded because of their (supposed) perfection.

Quote #5

I must be an evil person, but I'm not exactly thrilled that Shannon is making new friends. What if she forgets about me? (7.109)

Virginia's self-esteem is so low she doesn't understand that Shannon doesn't view her as replaceable. It's like she can't imagine that anyone could love her as much as she loves them.

Quote #6

Hunter has aquamarine hair and Sabrina has "Mom" tattooed on her arm. But I don't care. They were the only people who treated me like something other than a stuttering misfit. (11.4)

We actually think Hunter and Sabrina sound pretty cool, no buts necessary. Finding some new weirdos to love is a good thing.