The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I doubt I'll be allowed to actually use the tickets, but it makes me feel better to know that for one brief instant, I was bold and courageous. (19.2)

Buying the tickets to Seattle with her own money is just the start of Virginia's boldness and courage. What she'll soon learn is that being bold and courageous is way more interesting than being thin.

Quote #8

Shannon nods. "I've spent my entire life hating my tongue because it makes me stutter. It's time to start bonding with it." (22.34)

Getting a tongue piercing as a way to make peace with a speech impediment is a radical action, but sometimes radical actions are the kind you need to take. Reclaiming your own body is an incredibly powerful thing.

Quote #9

It was like I was seeing myself for the very first time. (22.46)

When Virginia dyes her hair, she doesn't mention the cut-out models taped to the mirror. When you like yourself, you automatically look past the people to whom you previously compared yourself. Especially if those people are really just pieces of paper.