Guilt and Blame Quotes in The Girl on the Train

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I wish I knew what I had to be sorry for. (3.83)

It's hard to feel guilty when you don't even know what you did. So Rachel compensates by just feeling terrible about everything.

Quote #5

I could never write down the things I actually feel or think or do. (4.6)

Megan feels guilty about her past actions (like accidentally killing her baby—oops) and would only be made to feel worse by her snooping, jealous husband if she wrote about her past. But not having an outlet just makes things worse for her.

Quote #6

It's ridiculous, when I think about it. How did I find myself here? […] I wonder at what point I could have halted it. Where did I take the wrong turn? Not when I met Tom… (5.3)

Stop right there, Rachel. Tom pretty much is the start of most of her guilt and misery, as we'll find out later. She should blame him for almost everything.