The Godfather Scene 11 Summary

  • Next, there's a montage of newspapers with headlines and gangsters sitting around doing things. The papers report on the cop-killing, the fact that McCluskey was corrupt, the gang war that's now breaking out, and Vito's return home.
  • We see Vito leave the hospital and return to the family compound. Family members visit.
  • The Don is disturbed to learn from Sonny that Michael had to flee the country, as Sonny reports news on the mob war to him. They're also sending Fredo to Las Vegas to learn the casino biz and protect him.
  • Later, Sonny argues with Tom. Sonny wants to kill the Tattaglia Don, but Tom says that the war is starting to calm down and it would be a bad idea to make any rash moves. Sonny accuses Tom of not being a real Sicilian wartime adviser, but then apologizes.
  • At dinner, he and Carlo have a discussion, and argue with Connie when she tells Sonny not to talk business. Sonny ends up yelling at Carlo when he scolds Connie.