The Godfather Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why do people turn to Don Corleone for help, thus going outside the law? Are their reasons ever valid? How understandable are they?
  2. How does Michael Corleone change throughout the course of the movie? Does his journey from war hero to crime lord entirely corrupt his character? Or does he gain any admirable characteristics?
  3. Does The Godfather run the risk of romanticizing the mafia at all? If so, how?
  4. What does The Godfather say about the American Dream? Is it something that is attainable legally? And what is it, exactly?
  5. Is The Godfather relevant to the immigrant experience in America? Why or why not?
  6. Do the criminals (or some of the criminals) in the movie live by a code? Are there things they will and won't do? If they do have a code, describe it.
  7. What role do women play in the Corleone family and in the world of the mafia, generally?
  8. How are Michael and Sonny different? What are the traits that make Michael a more competent Don than Sonny (assuming you think Michael is a more competent Don)?
  9. How does The Godfather depict revenge? Is it a bad, messy thing, or, basically, a good idea?