The Godfather Scene 8 Summary

  • Michael gets dinner with Kay first, and tells her she can't come to the hospital. He doesn't want her involved.
  • When he arrives, he discovers that the cops have forced out the Don's guards. He's lying there alone and unprotected, except for a nurse who keeps telling Michael he shouldn't be there.
  • Michael tells Sonny to send someone, and gets the nurse to help him move his father into another room after explaining that men are coming to kill him.
  • Enzo, the baker whom Don Corleone helped stay in America, arrives with flowers to thank the Don. Michael gets him to stand on the stairs with him. They act like armed guards, and the would-be assassins end up just driving away, scared off.
  • The cops arrive, and Michael encounters the corrupt Captain McCluskey. McCluskey decks Michael in the face, after Michael accuses him of being in cahoots with Sollozzo to help kill his father (which he is).
  • Tom arrives with private detectives, paid to guard Don Corleone. He tells the police they can't legally prevent this.