The Goose Girl Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Finn, should anyone discover you know me, and come to you or your mother, pretending to be my friend, asking where I am, don't tell them. Please." She smiled painfully. "You two are the only friends I have in this kingdom." (7.60)

Finally Ani gets who her real friends are. Finn and Gilsa take Ani in when they don't know who she is or what she needs, giving her food, shelter, clothes, and love. They are even willing to risk their own necks to save her, which is friendship to the max.

Quote #5

Ani tried to respond with friendly attentiveness. Ani felt as dumb at conversation as she had over Gilsa's cooking pot that day she prepared the lunch, the contents turning blacker and smelling fouler despite her anxious attempts. She had no practice at making friends. And, she discovered, her own trust had been drained dry. (9.8)

We hate to admit it, but Selia was right: Ani doesn't have friends, and when she finally realizes this, it's already too late. She can no longer rely on her fancy title or her servants to do whatever she wants, so for the first time, Ani's got to make friends on her own accord—for who she really is.

Quote #6

And hide, she realized. Always she wanted to hide. No more. To approach the king again, she would need a horde of people by her side to guarantee she would not be the victim of a quick dagger in a dark corridor before ever telling her story. (10.15)

Here Ani decides to become friends with Enna, but even this doesn't come naturally to her at first. Sure Enna is kind and funny, but Ani doesn't really know how to talk to people without being a princess.