The Goose Girl Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"And, I'm sorry if I've ever been unkind when you sought my friendship. I'm wary of that now, I think."

"I can see why. Selia." Enna said the last word as though she might spit it. "We've got to get you your name back." (12.130)

When she tells Enna about her past, Ani gains a true friend. Enna doesn't judge her or blame her for anything, but instead, trusts Ani's story and then defends her to everyone else. Isn't it interesting that the best friends Ani makes are with the workers? Perhaps all the power involved in being royalty makes it hard to make true blue friends.

Quote #8

"We're going with you, Isi, er, my lady." Razo pushed out his chest and held his staff in front of him with both hands. "We're your working guard, in the peace-keeper tradition, unpaid and unasked but ready with a quarterstaff, or a crook, at least." (18.41)

All of Ani's forest friends assume they will come to help her, even when it's dangerous. It's clear this is one very loyal bunch, which is lucky for Ani, since even though she lied to them about her past, she was also more herself with these people than with anyone else.

Quote #9

She laughed so lightly, it seemed to be not an expression of humor, but a gift to the listener. "And as much as it is a burden at times, I'm not going to resign on your behalf. So, please, for the friendship we once shared, admit the truth." (20.38)

In front of everyone, Selia tries to cover her tracks. The interesting thing is that friendship is actually a part of her plea. Now we know what you're thinking: Selia is a master of words and is just saying whatever she thinks will work the best. And that's probably true. But she also reminds us how far Ani's come from believing this poser was her friend.