The Goose Girl Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Ani saw herself clearly in that moment, as a face in darkness gains sudden dimensions in a flash of lightning—a young girl, a silly thing, a lapdog, a broken mare. She did as she was told. She rarely gave thought to her duties or spent deep hours or acted alone. She realized she would never have been capable of taking her mother's place. That realization did not bring relief. Instead, the thought of the journey and her unknown future chilled her skin and pricked her stomach with dread. (2.127)

After her mom tells her the plan to go to Bayern, Ani is a mix of emotions: first angry, then sad, and finally, she's over it. She's not sure what waits in Bayern, but she knows there's nothing left for her in Kildenree either. Check out the way she describes this realization—it's because she's not her mother that she feels inadequate.

Quote #5

"Just think of it, Crown Princess, you can start a new life with new possibilities. You will decide who you are." (3.6)

Watch out, Ani—Selia's words are cryptic and definitely foreshadow what's about to happen to the princess on the road to Bayern. We'd also like to point out that Selia seems to be able to chose who she is, so why can't Ani?

Quote #6

She glared down at herself, leaning against the wall in travel-crumpled clothing, nearly last in a line of patient peasants, hungry, with feet aching on the soft soles of Finn's boots. This is not who I am, she thought. So who am I? She did not answer her own question. (6.62)

You know you're having an identity crisis when you can't answer this question. Ani's confronted with who she is, and even she doesn't know—she's not the princess her mom wants her to be, and she doesn't know how to be something else.