The Goose Girl Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You're Enna," said Ani. "That's somebody."

Enna smiled. "So's Isi."

Is she? thought Ani. Then I'd like to be her. I'd like to be somebody.

"She is, you are," said Enna, as though she had heard Ani's doubt. (10.31-34)

As Ani tries to figure out who she is, she also helps give Enna confidence about her own identity. Here the gal pals share their opinions on stuff like forest folk and the javelin, but when Enna says her opinion shouldn't matter, Ani jumps in to defend her friend.

Quote #8

Jok made the sounds indicating he was ready to sleep, so she took off her hat and unwound her hair, scratched her head, and sighed. The weight of her hair on her back reminded her that she was not who she was. That she was a secret. (12.68)

Enna catches Ani with her hair down and the secret is out—Ani's true identity is revealed. Here's the thing, though: Enna believes Ani's story about being a princess, even without proof.

Quote #9

The winter breeze still brushed against her cheek, and again she heard her name— Princess—and what had laid on her tongue since the morning of her birth now loosened. (15.24)

Time and again, Ani finds comfort by remembering Falada's last word to her: Princess. That's one important word not only because it shows everyone that Ani is the real deal, but also because it reminds Ani of who she really is.