The Hours Sexuality and Sexual Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

They are just beginning to open. Their petals, at the base, are suffused with a deeper yellow, almost orange, a mango-colored blush that spreads upward and diffuses itself in hairline veins. […] Sally buys them quickly, almost furtively, as if she fears the Korean woman who runs the stand will realize there's been a mix-up and inform her, gravely, that these flowers are not for sale. She walks along Tenth Street with the roses in her hand, feeling exultant, and when she enters the apartment she is slightly aroused. How long has it been since they've had sex? (16.81)

Fortunately for Clarissa Vaughan, her sexy days aren't over yet. Just because the average person on the street may not think of her "with sexual notions" (8.25), that doesn't mean that her partner, Sally, is oblivious to her charms.