The Hundred-Foot Journey Theme of Admiration

Hassan has lots of heroes in The Hundred-Foot Journey. He's the perfect student because he readily looks up to the leading figures in his life: Papa, Mama, Paul Verdun, and even Madame Mallory. And since Hassan doesn't have a big ego, he firmly believed that his success is thanks in large part to those who have helped him along the way; as such, he admires the heck out of these folks.

Even after his mentors die—and importantly, they all do, thereby forcing Hassan to take the lead in his life—a part of them stays with him, constantly pushing him to be a better person than he was before.

Questions About Admiration

  1. Which figure does Hassan admire the most? 
  2. Is there a character that Hassan consistently does not admire throughout the story? Why or why not?
  3. Does Hassan always admire the right people or do false heroes at some point lure him?
  4. By the end of the story, does Hassan become a figure that others admire as well?