The Hundred-Foot Journey Theme of Prejudice

The idea of some people being better than others is an issue that rears its ugly face from time to time throughout The Hundred-Foot Journey. Sometimes prejudice is based on who has more money, but other times the conflict is based more on differences of race or religion. So when the family lives in Mumbai, we see them dealing with a growing upper class that they just aren't a part of, but when they arrive in France, we can't help but sense that part of Mallory's displeasure in their arrival is based on their Indian identity.

Prejudiced comments are thrown into the dialogue from time to time but the author doesn't dwell on them. We move on through the plot while this issue stays in the background, which is exactly how prejudice seems to operate in their lives.

Questions About Prejudice

  1. Are all the types of prejudice in the story fundamentally connected? Why or why not?
  2. Do you think that Hassan is ever at a true disadvantage because of his race? What characters are most disadvantaged because of the prejudice of others?
  3. How does Madame Mallory resolve feelings of prejudice by the end of her life? 
  4. Are prejudice issues resolved by the end of the story? If not resolved completely, how do things come together in the end?