Family Quotes in The Hundred-Foot Journey

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

My life in the kitchen, in short, starts way back with my grandfather's great hunger. (1.3)

Right away, Hassan positions his story within the context of his family. Food is in his blood, and he puts himself in the Haji legacy right away so that we know that whatever happens to him, we can thank Grandpa and his appetite.

Quote #2

But one thing stuck without doubt—my father stuck to the promise he had made Mummy at her graveside, and in a stroke we wound up losing not only our beloved mother but also all that was home. (2.104)

Papa swears on Mama's grave that he will take his family away from the evil that ended in her death. In doing so, he kind of swears to protect the family and honor her memory in one. They just can't stay in a place that killed Mama.

Quote #3

Our Period of Mourning was officially over. It was time for the Haji family to get on with life, to start a new chapter, to finally put behind us our lost years. (4.121)

They're all moving on together. The Haji family survived England as a unit, they travelled through Europe crammed in cars, and now they'll survive France and start being happy together. Talk about a team effort.