The Killer Angels Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

It was working almost like a plan. It was possible to see Intention in it. (2.3.63)

Lee is very religious and sees a divine plan in things. One of the ironies of the battle is that he isn't aware that destiny is actually set against him: he's the one being built up for defeat. You could look at it another way, too: maybe Lee's faith in a divine plan blinds him to his own and his Army's weaknesses. If he didn't believe so strongly that fate was on his side, maybe he would have been more cautious, as Longstreet continually tells him to be.

Quote #2

His blood was rising. He had tried to be discreet, but it was all happening without him, without one decision; it was all in God's hands. And yet he could leave it alone himself no longer. Rodes and Early were attacking; Heth and Pender were waiting here in front of him. Lee's instinct sensed opportunity. Let us all go in together, as God has decreed a fight here. (2.3.63)

Lee senses that this battle is pre-ordained. But maybe, if he didn't feel that way, he might have avoided ordering Pickett's Charge, and the Confederacy might have somehow won the war?

Quote #3

With that word it was out of his hands. It had never really been in his hands at all. And yet his was the responsibility. (2.3.65)

Lee views himself as a servant. For him, God's in control, and he simply has a role to play in God's plan.