The Killer Angels Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. What—according to The Killer Angels—was the Civil War really fought over?
  2. How do the Confederates view the purpose of their rebellion? How does slavery fit into this?
  3. How do Joshua Chamberlain's views on slavery and racism change over time?
  4. Who is the real hero of the book, in your opinion?
  5. Why do the Confederates lose the battle? Is it because of their own tactical mistakes, or is it due to forces beyond their control?
  6. How do the British—represented by Arthur Fremantle—view the war? What do they find attractive and unattractive about the South?
  7. What are the soldiers' different reasons for fighting, on both sides? List all that you can think of.
  8. What does Buster Kilrain hope to get out of the war? What are his goals?
  9. What makes human beings "killer angels," in the words of Chamberlain's father?
  10. Would Lee have been able to win the battle if he'd taken Longstreet's advice? What might the United States (or Confederate States) look like today if that had happened?
  11. Why does Shaara use so many quotes as epigraphs? What perspectives are each of these quotations meant to illuminate (Southern, Northern, etc.)?
  12. What do you think about the Winston Churchill quote cited on the last page, after the book ends?