The Killer Angels Part 3, Chapter 1 Summary


  • This is the beginning of Part 3: Thursday, July 2, 1862: The Second Day.
  • Fremantle wakes up at three in the morning, before dawn. He senses the army coming alive around him as Sorrel invites him to breakfast.
  • On the way to breakfast, Fremantle runs into Ross the Austrian observer, who jokingly pops Fremantle on the arm. Fremantle is annoyed by this.
  • Fremantle eats breakfast with the officers. Fremantle marvels at the contempt the Southerners feel for the Yankees. He feels like the Confederates are true Englishmen, in a way, and enjoys his breakfast.
  • Fremantle sees the dead bodies in the fields from the day before and observes the Yankee line.
  • Fremantle rides to headquarters with Sorrel and Ross. A nearby gunner pokes fun at the Austrian's mustache.
  • Longstreet and Lee are at headquarters when the men arrive, along with the fearsome-looking General John Bell Hood.
  • Fremantle fantasizes that the Confederates will submit to Queen Victoria and rejoin the British Empire. He surveys the Yankee line, observing the ground that the Union's taken.
  • Longstreet and Lee make plans while Fremantle chats with Ross and listens to a Confederate band playing.
  • Sorrel tells Fremantle they probably won't be attacking for about two hours. Fremantle is pleased that Longstreet is glad to see him. He continues marveling at Hood's appearance.
  • Longstreet and Hood discuss their plans for the fight, estimating the Union numbers. Their troops will be fighting today.
  • Fremantle feels sure that the Rebels will be able to defeat the Northern rabble.
  • After observing some picket soldiers firing at each other, Fremantle asks Longstreet why the Yankees won't launch an offensive and attack the Confederate Army.
  • Longstreet explains that Meade is too new to the job, so he is reluctant to launch an assault without his full force. The Confederates will need to try to cut him off from Washington in the future, says Longstreet, which will force an attack.
  • Fremantle observes the landscape, until the heat starts to get to him. He rejoins the other Europeans, and they discuss examples of strategy from the past.
  • Fremantle compares England and America. England is smaller and more compact, like a nice garden, while America is more wide open.
  • Fremantle thinks that the American experiment in democracy is a failure. He believes that all Americans will eventually recognize that a hierarchy and class system are the right way to go. He does think slavery is wrong, but he thinks it will fade out in time. For him, what's more important is to undermine the North's belief in equality and its ethnic and religious diversity.
  • Fremantle is surprised to discover from Major Clarke that Longstreet's heritage is actually Dutch and not actually English. Fremantle decides this must just be an exception to the general Englishness of the Southerners.