The King's Speech Duty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The King's Speech.

Quote #4

BERTIE: I can't even give them a Christmas speech.

Bertie has always admired his father's Christmas speeches. But now that he's king, he's worried that he won't be able to fulfill his duty to give these same speeches because of his stutter. But Bertie is a man of duty and if there's any way for him to fill his father's shoes, he'll find it.

Quote #5

ANNOUNCER: Now we go live to Wembley Stadium, where His Royal Highness the Duke of York will read his message from the King.

The opening scene of this movie is painful to watch because Bertie fails in his duty to speak on behalf of the royal family. It's not his fault that he stutters, but that doesn't stop him from feeling deeply ashamed at letting his family down.

Quote #6

LOGUE: I was also told, speaking with a Royal, one waits for the Royal to choose the topic.

Logue might ask for total equality with Bertie, but he still has some sense of duty to the man as the King of England. In this case at least, he pretends to care about duty so that he can get Bertie to speak first.