The Lost Hero Quotes

Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop.  Pick a theme below to begin.

Courage Quotes

Piper's snowboarding jacket was flapping wildly, her dark hair all in her face. Jason thought she must've been freezing, but she looked calm and confident—telling the others it would be okay, enc...

Family Quotes

"You're saying Mom was a goddess."Annabeth nodded. "You're taking this awfully calmly."Piper couldn't tell her why. She couldn't admit that this just confirmed some weird feelings she'd had for yea...

Fate and Free Will Quotes

"So you're an oracle?" Piper asked. "You can tell the future?""More like the future mugs me from time to time," Rachel said. "I speak prophecies. The oracle's spirit kind of hijacks me every once i...

Friendship Quotes

He knew he shouldn't be in this place. He shouldn't befriend these people, and certainly he shouldn't date one of them. (7.10)

Good vs. Evil Quotes

"So we call the gods by their Greek names because that's their original form. But saying their Roman aspects are exactly the same—that's not true. In Rome, they became more warlike. They didn't m...

Identity Quotes

He woke in the backseat of a school bus, not sure where he was, holding hands with a girl he didn't know. (1.2)

Strength and Skill Quotes

Leo was no help. He was too busy building a helicopter out of pipe cleaners."Check it out." He launched the copter. Jason figured it would plummet, but the pipe-cleaner blades actually spun. The li...

Versions of Reality Quotes

"M-i-s-t. It's a kind of veil separating the mortal world from the magic world. Mortal minds — they can't process strange stuff like gods and monsters, so the Mist bends reality. It makes mortals...