The Luminaries Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

'Something to do with a murder,' said Frost, who was still watching her very closely. 'Something to do with revenge' (II.11.105).

When Lydia Wells awakens after her fit at the séance, she asks what happened—and what she said while she was under. Frost reports only the vaguest details about the statement, which was actually Sook's original oath to kill Carver.

Quote #5

He would purchase a store of shot, a tin of black powder, and a gun. Then he would walk to the Palace Hotel, climb the stairs, open Carver's door, and take his life (II.11.119).

In the aftermath of the séance, Sook learns that Carver is alive and well (as opposed to a spirit speaking through Lydia Wells) and in Hokitika at that very second. So, he resolves to hide out until he has enough money to buy a gun and then go kill Carver. He thinks he's thisclose to getting revenge on his archenemy, finally …

Quote #6

'Revenge,' said Shepard firmly, 'is an act of jealousy, not of justice. It is a selfish perversion of the law' (III.10.62).

Shepard claims not to agree with revenge, and he killed Sook before he was able to bring off his revenge on Carver. However, what he's not admitting is that his killing of Sook was totally motivated by a desire to avenge his brother's death, for which he blamed Sook. Ah, hypocrisy.