The Luminaries Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

'If I see him,' said Carver, 'I'll kill him' (VI.2.7).

Carver tells Lydia Wells what he'll do to Crosbie if he sees him. In addition to the fact that it would be convenient to have the man he defrauded out of the way (and therefore unable to reveal his fraud), Carver has extra incentive to want Crosbie dead since Crosbie slashed his face open.

Quote #8

'It would be as good as murder, Mr. Staines. He's got a score to settle. He wants me dead' (VI.3.17).

Crosbie himself believes that Frank will be coming after him in revenge, so he warns Staines that telling Carver where he is would be equivalent to killing him.

Quote #9

'What's the opposite of a homeward-bounder?' said Mannering presently. 'A never-going-homer? A stick-it-to-Mr.-Carver?' (VIII.4.8).

This is a flashback to the moment in which Mannering and Staines cook up the scheme for Staines to buy Mannering's duffer claim, which would mean Carver never got any money out of his sponsorship of Staines. Mannering seems perfectly delighted to help Staines stick it to Frank.