The Maltese Falcon Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Maltese Falcon.

Quote #10

SPADE: I've no earthly reason to think I can trust you. And if I do this and get away with it, you'll have something on me that you can use whenever you want to. Since I've got something on you. I couldn't be sure that you wouldn't put a hole in me someday. All those are on one side.

By this point, Spade knows the drill. Any of these people, Brigid included, might sell him out to get what they want. They're loyal only to the pursuit of riches. And Brigid only tries to earn Spade's loyalty so she can use him as protection, and get rid of him whenever she doesn't need it anymore. Ironic that her protector is the one turning her in, huh?