The Maltese Falcon Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"You were in my arms when the trap was sprung—I couldn't have gone for a gun if I'd had one on me and couldn't have made a fight of it if I had wanted to. And if they didn't take you away with them it was only because Gutman's got too much sense to trust you except for short stretches when he has to and because he thought I'd play the sap for you and—not wanting to hurt you—wouldn't be able to hurt him." (20.67)

Spade explains to Brigid why he's unwilling to play the sap for her. She not only prevented him from "fighting it out" with Gutman, but she also lied and double-crossed him every chance she could find. Maybe if Spade had been able to reach for his gun, there would have been a shootout and the bad guys would be dead. But instead, Spade is unable to use violence, even if he had wanted to. Moreover, Gutman counted too much on Spade being too soft to want to hurt Brigid. But in the end, Spade turns Brigid over to the police, even if it means she might be hanged.