The People Could Fly Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Hee, hee! Don't you know who I am? Don't you know some of us in this field?" He said it to their faces. "We are the ones who fly!" (25)

The Master and his cohorts believed that they could destroy the peoples' spirits by confining them to the plantation, but that's not how things work. These are freedom-loving people by nature (funny how that works with humans), so no matter how much abuse he heaps on them, the Master will never be able to change this fundamental fact.

Quote #8

They rose on the air [...] Way above the plantation, way over the slavery land. Say they flew away to Free-dom. (27)

The people who could fly are now free, as they were always meant to be. Although they'll never be able to return home to rebuild the lives that were stolen from them, they'll now be able to determine their own fate.

Quote #9

Toby couldn't take them with him. Hadn't the time to teach them to fly. They must wait for a chance to run. (29)

Unfortunately, there are many people would can't fly left stuck on the plantation. For them, escape is much more dangerous and frightening possibility—but that's not going to stop them from trying.