The People Could Fly Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Hee, hee! Don't you know who I am? Don't you know some of us in this field?" He said it to their faces. "We are the ones who fly!" (25)

The Master and his buddies have tried to convince the people that they are slaves, not people… so it must be a real shocker to realize that they're superhuman. No matter how much abuse has been thrown his way, though, for his part, Toby has never forgotten this fact.

Quote #8

So they say. The Overseer told it. The one called Master said it was a lie, a trick of the light. The Driver kept his mouth shut. (31)

Some people just can't accept reality. The Master can't possibly trust his memory of the encounter—if he did, then he'd be forced to admit that he's an awful human being. It's much easier for him to create a new explanation that fits his own narrow reality.

Quote #9

When they sat close before the fire in the free land, they told it. They did so love firelight and Free-dom and tellin. (32)

The slaves who can't fly will never forget what they witness this day. Their memories of the events helps sustain them, at least until they're able to make it to the free land (up North, presumably) themselves.