The Piazza Tales Chapter 5, Sketch Sixth: Barrington Isle and the Buccaneers Summary

  • Hey, there's a quote from Spenser. Hello quote from Spenser.
  • Melville tells you that Barrington Island was the home of pirates, or buccaneers.
  • Its isolation meant that pirates could hang out without fear of being hunted down and arrested.
  • Barrington Island has trees and fruit and is generally pleasant, unlike all the other islands around. Thus a happy place for pirates.
  • The narrative quotes some unknown sentimental traveler. Why? Maybe because random quotation is fun?
  • Anyway, the random quotation and Melville agree that pirates are awful, but argue that some of them are maybe not so bad.
  • You wonder what the random quotation person would say if pirates robbed him. But that we shall never know.