The Power of One Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

With some forty kids of my own age I was now undisputed leader, a situation I must confess I found to my liking. Being somebody after being nobody for so long was a heady experience, but I also found it, on occasion, a bit onerous. Fights had to be settled, bullying stopped, and the small kids set straight when they did things wrong. (11.82)

In this section we get a taste of how isolation doesn't just mean being an outsider. Even when Peekay is the most popular kid in the school, he still feels like he doesn't connect; he's a leader, but not the students' peer. We can feel lonely even if we're surrounded by people, which tells us that loneliness comes from inside, not from outside circumstances

Quote #5

We were, he decided, odd-bods, he a Jew and me with only one name. (16.61)

In the society of the Prince of Wales School, most of the kids come from English-speaking families and have plenty of money and social status; being a Jew meant being not only from another religion, but also from another, not always accepted, culture. Remember, this novel takes place during Hitler's reign, when the Holocaust wasn't just a section in history books—it was real life.

Quote #6

I was by nature a fairly quiet sort of a guy and had no trouble getting on with things. (16.102)

This phrase is simple, but really characterizes Peekay as an outsider who knows how to blend in, even if he still feels left out as he's doing it.