The Power of One Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Mrs. Boxall would wipe her eyes and say her conscience was quite clear and even if she was arrested she knew she was jolly well doing the right thing. (11.90)

Mrs. Boxall could be arrested for bringing letters in and out of the jail at this time, because prisoners do not have very many legal rights. Still, she is willing to risk her own freedom on principle. When's the last time your librarian broke the law like such a boss?

Quote #8

"Always to ask questions, ja, this is so, maybe the answers come slow, but always they are coming if you wait with your head and your eyes." (17.58)

Doc's advice could serve to explain the whole book—the answers and the revenge come slowly, but Peekay has learned patience and the principle of having a critical mind. It works in boxing, but also in more difficult situations, like when your best friend gets thrown into jail.

Quote #9

Small boys are not natural pessimists, yet he had taught me the value of a routine which, like a fire drill, when practiced a thousand times, becomes an automatic reaction when a crisis occurs. (17.59)

Small boys are also good at practicing flying karate kicks a thousand times, and yet their automatic reaction to crisis is usually crying. But Peekay is a principled kid who knows that practice, dedication, and a routine are keys to success.