The Quiet American Guilt Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

As I laid it down, I said, 'Nothing to worry about. Nothing to worry about at all.' (1.1.31)

Note the repetition. In a way, Fowler is speaking to Phuong and to himself, and trying to convince himself and her. He knows Pyle is dead, but he doesn't want to know it.

Quote #2

'Not guilty,' I said. I told myself that it was true. Didn't Pyle always go his own way? (1.1.89)

Fowler diverts the blame. Sure, he led Pyle to his death, but Pyle chose to walk right into it, right? It would have happened eventually. No doubt. So no need to feel guilty.

Quote #3

The cannon gave a single burst of tracer, and the sampan blew apart in a shower of sparks: we didn't even wait to see our victims struggling to survive, but climbed and made for home. I thought again as I had thought when I saw the dead child at Phat Diem, 'I hate war.' (

We sense that Fowler, in a way, wishes he could have seen those struggling to survive. No, he's not a sadist. He feels as though it's not fair that he should be able to witness the costs of war only from a distance.