The Quiet American Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Not that Pyle was very important. It wouldn't have done to cable the details of his true career, that before he died he had been responsible for at least fifty deaths, for it would have damaged Anglo-American relations and the Minister would have been upset. (1.1.119)

Fowler says he's not involved, and he arguably believes this about himself, and yet he knowingly reports for an institution with the agenda of hiding the truth when the truth harms the interests of the political players. He's already involved by what he can and cannot report.

Quote #2

'There's a rumor that the Vietminh have broken into Phat Diem, burned the Cathedral, chased out the Bishop.'
'They wouldn't tell us about that in Hanoi. That's not a victory.' (

No one likes to admit defeat. Sometimes this means concealing the truth. Is this a kind of deceit? Survey says…Yep.

Quote #3

If only, I thought, he had called our bluff from the start and told us firmly that he knew the figures but wouldn't say. After all, it was their war, not ours. We had no God-given right to information…We were not dying. (

In Fowler's mind, the reporters here have no right to the truth about the details of the war because it's not their war. Um…okay, but that's kind of missing the point, dude.