The Quiet American Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Relations with the colonel in charge of the French and Vietnamese troops had always been strained since the day when the authorities had disbanded the Bishop's private army. This year the colonel – who had some sympathy with the Bishop, for to each of them his country was more important than Catholicism – made a gesture if amity and walked with his senior officials in front of the procession. (

True to the complexities of life, Greene paints a blurred picture of church and state relations. The bishop here is a religious leader who cares more about matters of state than matters of God. He even had his own personal army, until it was taken from him. We sure God just loved that.

Quote #2

He was a European, but not a Frenchman, for the Bishop would not tolerate a French priest in his diocese. (

The irony here is that Catholicism is supposed to be a global community that rises above and can include all nations and peoples. The word catholic means universal. The Bishop is supposed to put Catholic identity above national identity, but national dislike overrides any sentiments he has towards solidarity.

Quote #3

They believed, whatever their religion, that here [in the Cathedral] they would be safe. (

A Cathedral is a big, impressive structure, built to last generations, even centuries. No wonder it's a symbol of security. Too bad bombs and napalm don't seem to care.