The Republic Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why is this book written as a conversation or dialogue? Does it make it easier or more difficult to follow the philosophical ideas being described? Why?
  2. What kind of a community is the republic? Are we supposed to understand it as an ideal community? Why or why not?
  3. Even though Socrates is the guy with all the answers, do you think he's always right? Are there ever moments where his authority seems to be challenged? Do you think Plato agrees with everything his character Socrates says?
  4. What do you think about Socrates's style of argumentation? Is it logical? Does it always make complete sense? Characterize some of the strategies Socrates uses in his arguments to evaluate how persuasive you think they are.
  5. Socrates pretty much kicks out every kind of storyteller from his imaginary city. So what's with all the stories in the book? Why does Socrates keep telling stories himself or referring to the stories of others?