The Republic Resources


The Trial of Socrates

Remember how we mentioned Socrates was put to death? Well, you can get the full lowdown on his trial and execution here.

Interactive Socrates

With images, links, and other info, this is a great website to help understand the mysterious figure of Socrates—and the Greek world he lived in.

Movie or TV Productions


Although set in Alexandria hundreds of years after Plato's time, this film still gives an idea of the practice of Greek philosophy... and how even some women were involved.

The Matrix

The Matrix may not be the first thing you think of when you think of Platonic philosophy, but this film is pretty much just a very extended version of the Allegory of the Cave. Everything is an illusion? You have to free yourself from being a prisoner? Socrates told you so.

Articles and Interviews

Plato and Pop Culture

A very nifty article by Plato expert Alexander Nehamas on how Plato's critique's of poetry might actually be valid and relevant in today's world.

Plato and Higher Education

You might think Plato's ideas about education were way too weird to be useful, but this article uses Plato's perspective as a way to rethink the organization of higher education today.


Dude, It's an Animated Allegory of the Cave

Having trouble visualizing Plato's Allegory of the Cave? You're in luck. This animated version of the Allegory of the Cave makes all the strange images and descriptions crystal clear. The animals are pretty cute, too.


Audio Plato

The Republic is a dialogue, after all, so if you're feeling like recreating that sense of conversation, listening to it on audio book could be the perfect solution.


Plato and His Pals

In this famous painting by Raphael called the "School of Athens," Plato and another famous Greek philosopher, Aristotle, stand front and center. Who's that old guy sitting in blue on the steps? That would be Socrates.

A Republic for All Time

Check out this nifty title page from a Renaissance copy of Plato's Republic... with some Greek too.