Good vs. Evil Quotes in The Road

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #10

[The Veteran:] Where's the man you were with?

[The Boy:] He died.

[. . .]

[The Veteran:] I think you should come with me.

[The Boy:] Are you one of the good guys?

The man pulled his hood back from his face. His hair was long and matted. He looked at the sky. As if there were anything there to be seen. He looked at the boy. Yeah, he said. I'm one of the good guys.

[. . .]

[The Boy:] Are you carrying the fire?

[The Veteran:] Am I what?

[The Boy:] Carrying the fire.

[The Veteran:] You're kind of weirded out, arent you?

[The Boy:] No.

[The Veteran:] Just a little.

[The Boy:] Yeah.

[The Veteran:] That's okay.

[The Boy:] So are you?

[The Veteran:] What, carrying the fire?

[The Boy:] Yes.

[The Veteran:] Yeah, we are.

[The Boy:] Do you have any kids?

[The Veteran:] We do.

[. . .]

[The Boy:] And you didnt eat them.

[The Veteran:] No.

[The Boy:] You dont eat people.

[The Veteran:] No. We dont eat people.

[The Boy:] And I can go with you?

[The Veteran:] Yes. You can.

[The Boy:] Okay then.

[The Veteran:] Okay. (386.2-386.49)

In an unexpected turn of events, someone good (or at least someone who seems good) does appear on the road. It turns out The Man and The Boy are not the only ones.

McCarthy has foreshadowed The Man's death pretty much throughout the whole book, so it's no surprise when he dies. With the destruction of the world and the father's death, McCarthy has written himself into a pretty bleak corner. But we think this is actually a pretty happy ending. Other good people have survived, and The Boy doesn't end up alone.